Firmen und die Ethik, pro oder contra Performance?

Auf der Website The Kirk Report habe ich eine interessante Auflistung gefunden. Es geht dabei um die ethischsten Unternehmen. Das Ethisphere Institute hat diese Liste nach verschiedenen Kriterien, die man sich hier ausführlich anschauen kann, zusammen gestellt.

Ein kleiner Auszug zum Auswahlprozess:

1. The Methodology
A methodology committee of leading attorneys, professors, government officials and organization leaders, assisted Ethisphere in creating the scoring methodology for the World’s Most Ethical Companies awards.

2. Candidate Selection
Over the course of the year, companies across the world submitted their applications to become 2009 World’s Most Ethical Companies. Based on these applications, as well as information Ethisphere gathered throughout the year, a list of semi-finalists was created.

3. In-Depth Analysis
At this stage, semi-finalist companies were notified and given an in-depth survey questionnaire to fill out regarding their ethics and compliance program, governance and corporate responsibility.

Und die Auflistung:


(Liste übernommen von The Kirk Report)